J.S. Bach Weihnachts-Oratorium German Text Pronunciation
The sound files on this page are edited versions of files produced by Dr John Cavallaro, and recorded and edited by Dr John Pearson, to assist the singers of Princeton Pro Musica in rehearsals for a performance of the work in 2010. The German text is from the Bärenreiter edition of the work. The English translation of biblical passages is from the King James VI Authorised Version of 1611; the other English translations are by Mr Robert Minett of St Margaret's School, Aberdeen. The choir gratefully acknowledges the work of Dr Cavallaro, Mr Pearson and Mr Minett.
These pages were originally produced by Aberdeen Bach Choir to help singers rehearsing for a performance of parts 1-4 on 8 December 2013 in St Machar's Cathedral, Aberdeen, and the pages for parts 1 and 4 have been re-used, along with new pages for parts 5 and 6, for the rehearsals for the performance on Sunday 3 December 2017 in the same venue.
Part 6 Adoration of the Magi
54. Chorus
Herr, wenn die stolzen Feinde schnauben,
so gib, daß wir im festen Glauben
nach deiner Macht und Hülfe sehn.
Wir wollen dir allein vertrauen;
So können wir den scharfen Klauen
des Feindes unversehrt entgehn.
Lord, when our arrogant enemies snort with rage,
then grant that we in firm faith
may look to your power and help!
We want to trust you alone,
then we can escape the sharp claws
of the enemy unhurt.
59. Chorale
Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier,
O Jesulein, mein Leben;
Ich komme, bring und schenke dir,
was du mir hast gegeben.
Nimm hin! es ist mein Geist und Sinn,
Herz, Seel und Mut, nimm alles hin,
und laß dir's wohl gefallen!
I stand here at your crib
O Little Jesus, my life;
I come, bring and give you
What you have given to me.
Take it! It is my spirit and mind,
Heart, soul and courage, take it all
And may it be pleasing to you!
64. Chorale
Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen
an eurer Feinde Schar,
denn Christus hat zerbrochen,
was euch zuwider war.
Tod, Teufel, Sünd und Hölle
sind ganz und gar geschwächt;
bei Gott hat seine Stelle
das menschliche Geschlecht.
Now you are well avenged
On the host of your enemies;
Christ has broken in pieces
What was against you.
Death, Devil, Sin and hell
are weakened once and for all;
With God is the place
For the human race.