Christe Redemptor Omnium - C. Monteverdi

This hymn, used at Christmas time, is attributed to Rabanus Maurus (776-856). Like most hymns it is strophic in structure (the music repeats for each verse). Monteverdi separates the verses with an instrumental ritornello. This version contains some changes to the original text which were made by Pope Urban VIII in 1632.

Christe redemptor omnium,

Ex patre patris unice,

Solus ante principium

Es natus ineffabiliter.

Memento, salutis auctor,

Quod nostri quondam corporis

Ex illibata virgine

Nascendo formam sumpseris.

Hunc cælum, terra, hunc mare,

Hunc omne quod in eis est,

Auctorum adventus tui

Laudat exsultans cantico.

Gloria tibi, Domine,

Qui natus es de virgine,

Cum Patre et Sancto Spiritu,

In sempiterna saecula. Amen.

Christ the redeemer of all,

The Father’s only Son,

Only You, before all rulers,

Ineffably were born of the Father.

Remember, author of salvation,

That once of our body

From an unviolated virgin

You took (human) form through birth.

The heaven, the Earth, the sea,

Everything that is in them,

Praise him, the author of your advent,

Exulting in song.

Glory be to You, O Lord,

Who were born of a virgin,

With the Father and the Holy Spirit

Through eternal ages. Amen.

The translations of the psalms are those of Miles Coverdale from the Book of Common Prayer (1549).