The current organ in St Machar’s was originally a modest two manual instrument, with pedalboard, built by Henry Willis at the same time that the organs for Exeter and Hereford cathedrals were being constructed. It was built in London and was installed in 1891 where it was situated in a rather dominant position, right underneath and in front of the east window. In 1928 it was dismantled, renovated and extended with the addition of a third (choir) manual by the well-known Rushworth and Dreaper company of Liverpool, and relocated to its current position. In 1956 the same company carried out further renovation, cleaning and refurbishment. Another complete rebuilding of the organ was undertaken by Noel Manders & Co. in 1973. During this re-build a new console was built, retaining the original Willis keys, yet more stops were added and the patent Willis tubular pneumatic action was discarded and replaced with electric action
Great |
Pedal |
Double Open Diapason |
16 |
Sub Bourdon |
32* |
Open Diapason I |
8 |
Open Wood |
16 |
Open Diapason II |
8 |
Violone (Ext from Gt) |
16 |
Claribel Flute |
8 |
Bourdon |
16 |
Principal |
4 |
Lieblich Bourdon |
16 |
Harmonic Flute |
4 |
Principal (Ext from Violone) |
8* |
Fifteenth |
2 |
Violoncello |
8 |
Mixture lll |
17/19/22 |
Bass Flute |
8* |
Bombarde |
8 |
Fifteenth (Ext from Violone) |
4* |
Clarion |
4 |
Flute (Ext from Lieblich Bourdon) |
4* |
Mixture III |
22/26/29† |
Swell |
Ophicleide |
16 |
Open Diapason |
8 |
Lieblich Gedact |
8 |
Choir |
Salicional |
8 |
Lieblich Bourdon (Ext from Ped) |
16 |
Vox Angelica |
8 |
Lieblich Gedact |
8 |
Gemshorn |
4 |
Viola da Gamba |
8 |
Flageolet |
2 |
Principal |
4† |
Mixture III |
15/19/22† |
Lieblich Flute |
4 |
Sharp Mixture III |
22/26/29† |
Fifteenth |
2† |
Contra Fagotto |
16 |
Piccolo |
2 |
Cornopean |
8 |
Cymbale III |
26/29/33† |
Hautboy |
8 |
Corno di Bassetto |
8 |
Clarion |
4† |
Bombarde (Ext from Great) |
8* |
Tremulant |
Clarion (Ext from Great) |
4* |
Tremulant |
* added 1928 † added 1973
Great to Pedal |
Swell to Great |
Choir to Great |
Choir to Pedal |
Swell to Choir |
6 toe pistons to Swell (duplicating) & Pedal |
Swell to Pedal |
Swell/Choir Octave |
6 thumb pistons to Great, Swell, Choir |
6 General thumb pistons |
Great and Pedal Combinations coupled Piston/Reversible thumb pistons to Swell-Great, Great-Pedal, Swell-Pedal, Choir-Pedal, Ophicleide/Generals on Swell toe pistons/Reversible toe pistons to Swell-Great and Great-Pedal/General Cancel for each manual separately and universal/Balanced mechanical swell pedal.
Compass: Manuals CC-G (56 notes)/Pedal CCC - F (30 Notes). 2431 pipes
Programme notes by Peter Parfitt