April 2025 Rehearsals
As always, the schedule here is subject to change - in fact three rehearsals are marked 'TBC' to allow flexibility in the plan. Please note that all rehearsals apart from the final rehearsal on the day of the performance will be in Mannofield Church.
Recommended Recordings
Paul is happy to recommend this YouTube recording of the Mozart Great C Minor Mass. Another very good recording on YouTube, in separate movements, is the 1987 recording by the English Baroque soloists on period instruments, with the Monteverdi Choir under John Eliot Gardiner. He also recommends the paid recording by the Bach Collegium Japan under Masaaki Suzuki.
A good starting point for the Haydn Harmoniemesse is the YouTube recording by Mariss Janson - not his favourite recording or performance; he prefers the paid recording by the New York Philharmonic with the Westminster Choir conducted by Leonard Bernstein.
Rehearsal Tracks
Free rehearsal tracks (listen online) are available from Cyberbass:
Rehearsal Schedule
Tuesday 7th January
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
Cancelled due to weather conditions
Tuesday 14th January
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
1. Haydn – pp. 2-19 (Kyrie) and pp. 149-171 (Agnus Dei)
2. Mozart – pp. 1-11 (Kyrie) and pp. 12-17 (Gloria)
Tuesday 21st January
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
1. Haydn – pp. 21-31 (Gloria) and 37-47 (Gratias)
2. Mozart – pp. 28-29 and pp. 36-45 (Gloria)
3. General recap on previous weeks work
Tuesday 28th January
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
1. Haydn – pp. 122-142 (Benedictus) and 115-121 (Sanctus)
2. Mozart – pp. 56-69 (Gloria)
3. General recap on previous weeks work
Tuesday 4th February
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
1. Haydn pp. 48-66 (Gloria)
2. Mozart pp. 70-83 (Credo)
3. General recap on previous weeks work.
Tuesday 11th February
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
1. Haydn pp. 67-83 and 86-91 (Credo)
2. Mozart – pp. 92-103 (Sanctus) and pp. 120-122 (Agnus Dei)
3. General recap on previous weeks work.
Tuesday 18th February
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
1. Haydn – pp. 91-114 (Credo)
2. Mozart – pp. 56-69 (Gloria)
General recap on previous weeks work.
Tuesday 25th February
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
Tuesday 4th March
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
Tuesday 11th March
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
Tuesday 18th March
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
Haydn – All choruses in order
Tuesday 25th March
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
Mozart – All choruses in order
Tuesday 1st April
Easter Break
No rehearsal
Tuesday 8th April
Easter Break
No rehearsal
Tuesday 15th April
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
Problem areas in both works arising from the previous weeks.
Transitions from solo-chorus and vice versa.
Tuesday 2nd April
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
Run through all Chorus passages with Piano. Address problem sections.
Saturday 26th April
2:00 p.m.
Mannofield Church
Run through all Chorus passages with Orchestra.
Sunday 27th April
2:00 p.m.
Aberdeen Music Hall
Run through all soloist passages with Soloists and Orchestra.
‘Top and tail’ Chorus sections as required.