62. Aria - Tenor
This purposeful aria is accompanied by two oboes d’amore. Again, Bach chooses a minor tonality to illustrate the words.
Nun mögt ihr stolzen Feinde schrecken; was könnt ihr mir für Furcht erwecken? |
Now, you arrogant enemies, may try to scare me; what sort of fear can you arouse in me? |
63. Recitative – Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Each of the six disparate entries in this recitative follows the same melodic shape of a rising fourth followed by a descending arpeggio, but the voices come together, homophonically, harmoniously, and therefore symbolically, for the third line of the text.
Was will der Höllen Schrecken nun, |
What will the terror of hell do now? |
64. Chorale
The Christmas Oratorio ends with a richly decorated version of the 'Passion chorale' melody with trumpets and timpani, rejoicing in Christ's victory over death, devil, sin and hell, and echoing the bright and optimistic feel of movement 1. This was the melody used for movement number 5, and the chorale which Bach sets on five separate occasions in the St Matthew Passion. This time the words are by Georg Werner and were written in 1648.
Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen |
Now you are well avenged |
Programme notes and listening commentary by Peter Parfitt