Instructions for Rehearsal Tuesday 24 April 2018

Dear Choir Member,

As next Tuesday is the final rehearsal before our concert at which we will not have the visiting musicians, I would like to run this in the style of a dress rehearsal. This concert is logistically much more complicated than our usual concerts as the choir is performing in three different formats - double choir, three choirs and four choirs, using different parts of the cathedral. I would like to incorporate the necessary movement into next Tuesday's rehearsal and so I plan to run the concert in order, dwelling longer on the pieces which need more work, and less on the pieces which are more fully rehearsed. If you are planning on singing in the concert please can you make every effort to attend on Tuesday. If you are not able to sing in the concert, but have been coming to rehearsals, please do not come on Tuesday except to hand in your music. Please note the following points.

  1. The rehearsal on Tuesday 24th will begin at 7:15 pm and may go on until 9:45 pm.
  2. We will begin, as we did yesterday, in the three choir format with choir A in the chancel, choir B in the north aisle and choir C in the south aisle.
  3. There will be no chairs for choirs B and C as there will be no chairs for the concert. (You will have plenty of opportunity to sit down during the evening but just not when you are singing in that formation).
  4. Please leave all of your personal possessions in the nave pews and do not bring anything other than yourselves and your music folders into the performing areas in order to allow for the free movement of bodies around these spaces.
  5. Please have your music in the correct order for performance. running order (Please note that this includes instrumental and keyboard items which you have not been given.)
  6. Please do not be territorial about seating. Listen to the instructions - which have been carefully thought through - sit where you are asked and do not assume that a seat, once occupied, is yours for the duration - it is not.
  7. Thank you for your help and cooperation. A concert is as much a visual experience for an audience as it is an aural one and it is important to me that we have all movement around the building rehearsed and carried out in as slick and professional a way as possible.
  8. Please ask me if you have any questions. My school e-mail is:

Many thanks
